Pgetuid(2) Oct. 1, 1991 Pgetuid(2) NAME Pgetuid, Pgetgid - get the current user or group id SYNOPSIS WORD Pgetuid(); WORD Pgetgid(); DESCRIPTION Pgetuid returns the user id of the currently running pro- cess. This is a number between 0 and 255 which determines the access permissions of the process, and which may be used in multi-user systems to distinguish different users of the system. Similarly, Pgetgid returns the group id of the currently running process; this will also be a number between 0 and 255. SEE ALSO Psetuid(2) BUGS The real user (or group) id is always returned. The kernel also has a notion of the effective user (group) id for setuid (setgid) programs, but no function returns the latter value. Version 0.9 Last change: MiNT Programmer's Manual 1